How to Measure MTF


Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) is the scientific means of evaluating the essential
spatial resolution performance of your imaging system, or components of that system. With the growing role played by optical devices in measurement, communication, and photonics, there’s a clear need for characterizing optical components. A simple and useful parameter, especially for imaging systems, is the Modulation Transfer Function, or MTF. Over the past few decades technological advances, like the laser interferometer, high-speed imaging devices (CCD and CMOS Cameras), and advanced computer algorithms have revolutionized the measurement and calculation of MTF. It has made that which was once a tedious and involved process into nearly an instantaneous MTF Measurement.

This guide was created to provide insight in to the theory and practice of measuring the Modulation Transfer Function and related quantities. While a guide of the size cannot get started to handle all the intricacies and subtleties of testing, it is supposed to provide a foundation for understanding, and also to introduce the reader to the basics of testing. Various tests and test techniques are described in detail and in concept.

The relative contrast at a given spatial frequency (output contrast/input contrast) is named Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), which is comparable to the Spatial Frequency Response (SFR), and is also an integral to measuring sharpness. In Figure 6, MTF is illustrated with sine and bar patterns, an amplitude plot, and a contrast plot-each of which has spatial frequencies that increase continually from left to right.

MTFs give you a level playing field for any market participants, because buyers and sellers are always matched according to a set of transparent rules that cannot discriminate between members. So, in case a user wants to buy a musical instrument at a certain price, they’ll be able to do so in case a corresponding sell order is available on the system.

It is because MTFs are independent of any buying and selling interests, and simply connect both to execute trades. This differs from some over-the-counter markets, where orders can be cancelled using circumstances – for example, if the marketplace maker decides it doesn’t want to defend myself against too much exposure at a certain price.

MTFs offer transparency pre- and post-trade. That’s because the quantity offered by each spread is obvious all the time, enabling an individual for the best possible price before they place an order. Information on the orders and quotes available over the previous 24 hours are available.
Post-trade, users can easily see enough time, price and level of all trading activity on the MTF. This info can be downloaded for any time period, gives traders the possibility to analyse how investing pressures have changed.

Users trading via an MTF also have the possibility to connect to the order book if indeed they can’t find the purchase price or volume they want. This is because brokers can truly add orders to the order book over a client’s behalf, which is executed if another broker or market maker takes the other side of the trade.

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